Monday, July 13, 2009

Chicago Cubs @ Milwaukee Brewers: 6:05 ET/7:05 CT CSN

The only part of Ararmis Ramirez currently un-injured.
Yes, we lost last night. Yes, we're back in 4th place, once again looking up at the Reds (boo!). Yes, Aramis Ramirez has been mortally wounded, thus necessitating additional playing time for Aaron Miles. Yes, Ryan Freel is now for some reason on our team. Yes, I have a headache.
I suppose I could sit here and give you all a list of silver linings after yesterday's debacle, but I won't. Because Umbra has already done it for me: Umbra's Top Ten Reasons Not to Panic
10. The Cubs are 2-4 in 1-run games. A run here or there, and this team wins more of those. Yeah, but a quarter inch the other way and you'd have missed completely.
9. Milton Bradley has already blown up at the Ump and gotten tossed. He is contrite and wants to change, so this will never happen again.
8. Fukudome has changed his approach from last year. He only changes approaches about once a year, so if the team does poorly, Fukudome can take few months off, change his approach again, and come out swinging.
7. The Cub's farm system will be its saving grace. The infusion of young blood in the form of 31-year-old rookie sensation Bobby Scales and 29-year-old Micah Hoffpauir is what this club needs.
6. Ryan Theriot hasn't been caught stealing since April 23. Maybe he is learning. At this rate, he will stop getting picked off third base by mid-July.
5. Jeff Samardzija is widely considered to be the best catching tight-end in all of baseball.
4. With Manny Ramirez out 50 games, he will not be able to crush our dreams like he did last year in the playoffs when the Cubs play the Dodgers at the end of May. Orlando Hudson will.
3. Denise Richards has already sung the 7th inning stretch this month and cannot legally sing it again until June.
2. Ryan Freel can be rearranged to spell "Fern Relay".
1. We're all going to die of swine flu anyway.
And (and I know this bound to offend SOMEONE, but whatever):
Tonight it's Canadian Ryan Dempster against Northern Beern Town Prodigy Yovanni Gallardo (who is on my fantasy team, so this is a tough night for me). The game starts at 6:00 on CSN. Lineups to come.

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