Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day One Hundred Thirty One

Dustin Diaz posted a photo: 131/365. Thank you, Mario... but our Princess is in another castle ~ Super Mario Bros. (NES 1985) I found this awesome belt buckle in a thrift store. Seriously, it rules... but I'd never "actually" wear it out "for reals"... or would I? But more to the point, did anyone ever play this game... and get to that point where you'd jump thru hoops and fire pits, dodge hammer bros, stomp turtles, run underneath dragons... only to get to some stupid toad to tell you "our princess is in another freakin' castle!!!" How nerve racking! Anyhow, more on the stuffs... that fancy watch was a gift for my birthday (last year). There is an inscription that says "console.debug(Date());" — that's JavaScript nerd talk for logging the date to your browser console. Lastly, this may be the closest thing I will release to the public that is almost a straight up crotch shot. For those seriously concerned with the techy details, read on... camera, setup, strobist info: see here

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