Sunday, April 19, 2009

Kamden tunrs eight

Today I figured out the disadvantage of having to leave for work at 6:30 am. Today is Kamden's 8th birthday and I was going to miss seeing her first thing to wish her Happy Birthday and watch her open her ginormous card that we got her along with a certificate that entitles her to a brand new bike as she has outgrown her old bike. While I was on the treadmill this morning and Trevor was on the bike I told him that I really feel bad that I have to miss seeing her open her present and he said why don't you just wake her up before you go. I wasn't too sure if this was such a good idea as kids that get up early tend to have rather rough days, but I decided that I would take the chance. So off I went to wake her up at 6:25am. Surprisingly she was quite pleasant. So we all headed to the living room and she opened her card...I did take some pictures and I will try to get it up by the end of the day...She loved it and was thrilled to see that she was getting a bike from us. Off to work I went...the kids dropped by my office at 8:30am to say Hi, which they do every morning. Kamden had on a tiara and a flashing Happy Birthday badge...that's our Kamden. This morning the kids had an Assembly on Integrity and Kamden go to stand up in the middle of all the kids and they sang Happy Birthday to her...what a treat!! Working out is coming along now. I still HATE getting up early. Usually the alarm goes off at 4am and Trevor, Mr. Gung Ho, gets up and gets ready to go and exercise. I just lay there and I say to him I'll do my workout later on this evening. As I lay there to go back to sleep I feel guilty and I usually get up and get on the treadmill. is tough to get these workouts in. Only 3 weeks till IM training starts and then I'll have to get to the pool in the evening...I am going to be wiped out. Luckily there is a pool that has lane swimming from 8-10 pm, so that will work out better for me...better than having to start at 9 pm and end at 10 pm. We signed up for a few next race is a St Patrick's Day run a 10km...the race is not actually on St Patty's Day, but somewhere around that time and then the Police Half at the end of April. The next race is the Calgary Marathon, which has been moved to May 24th (I believe that's the day). After that the only scheduled thing is Calgary's Half Ironman on August 2nd and Ironman Canada on August 30th. Obviously, I would like to get more smaller runs in there...ideally half runs...still working on getting that sub 2:00...maybe this will be the year. Work is going good and keeping me busy. I am now a part timer when it comes to blogging. I wish I had the energy to blog in the evenings, but all I want to do is go to bed after I've made supper, made lunches for the next day and cleaned up a bit.

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