Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Morning "Mad Men Meets The Clash" links

Barnhart points us to some very cool "Mad Men"-based art - including wallpapers. My favorite is the one at right, which combines Betty Draper with the "London Calling" album cover! Comedian Jeffrey Ross and his creepy facial hair were eliminated from "Dancing With The Stars" last night. Go Frau Blucher! I don't even know what to think about this: Lisa Kudrow will star in an Internet comedy series on the Lexus channel. What? Some good predictions for this season of "The Office," which starts on Thursday night with an hourlong episode. Allegedly Elisabeth Hasselbeck is considering leaving "The View" for Fox News. And we care because...? Hibberd gets some "Lost"-ies to give sorta spoilers on camera. And here's Ausiello's video spoilers from the same Emmys carpet.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wish List, Likes, Dislikes...

I had a brainstorm idea this morning. (Watch out world!) I belong to several online stitching groups and each group has a questionaire asking about wish lists, likes, dislikes, etc. I find it time consuming to be typing the same things over and over, so I thought... Why not put it all in my blog, and then reference this entry? Good idea, eh? I thought so! So here goes:FAVORITESFavorite fabric: 28/32ct evenweave/linen, hand-dyedsFavorite needles: 26ct petite needlesFavorite Threads: WDW, Victoria Clayton Silks, GAST, Glissen Gloss Colorwash Silks, DMC Linens, SSS (needed floss for the last 2 are in my wish list link below). Love specialty flosses.Colors (include favorites & least favorites): Favorites: soft pretty colors such as pastels; Dislikes: dark, drab colors.Themes (include favorites & least favorites): Likes: oriental themes, Fobs, Stitcher Accessories; Least favorite: religious, folksyMagazines (include favorites & any that are subscriptions): Any UK mags, Stoney Creek , JCSFavorite Designers: Lorri Birmingham (elegant designs), The Sweetheart Tree (fobs), Joan Elliot (oriental designs), as well as a few others.Favorite Foods/Drink: ice tea (or flavored hot teas), cocoa, skittles, jelly belly jelly beansCollections (things you collect other than stitching): old cameras (I’m a photographer too)Scents (include favorite & least favorite): Lilac. I have allergies and asthma so strong scents don’t work for me.Favorite ONS: Needle in a Haystack www.needlestack.com123 Stitch www.123stitch.comKeepsake Needlearts www.keepsakeneedlearts.comFavorite LNS: Don’t have one close to me. There’s a Walmart, JoAnn Fabrics, Michaels and Hobby Lobby.WISH LISTPictorial Wish List located HERECharts wanted: see link aboveKits wanted (including just charts from kits): see link aboveThreads/beads wanted: anything but DMC/Anchor floss. I don't use Anchor, and I have 2-3 complete sets of DMC.Accessories/Gadgets wanted:Leather Scissor sheaths#26 Stitch FixerDMC Brand Plastic BobbinsOtherDo you have an online photo album? My AlbumHow do you store your threads? On bobbins in plastic storage casesFloss bags or bobbins? (Cardboard or plastic bobbins?) I use both bags and bobbins. Mostly bobbins. I’m in the process of switching from cardboard to plastic DMC bobbins.Do you have pets? Yes. A little 4lb. dog named Celeste

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Have you ever tryed Kiwi or Starfruit?

I am a fruit freak. I could just live on fruit. But I am diabetic and that is just not as good for me as you might think. I love my bananas because I am always low in potassium. If I don't get enough I get really bad cramps in my legs. Yes bananas helps those leg cramps and I am proof!! I usto live in Florida and was able to get really fun fruit like kiwi's and Starfruit. Starfruit gets it name because if you cut it across the right way it looks like a star and man is it good. Now Kiwi takes some getting usto. The fuzzy outer shell you either have to peal off or cut the fruit the right way and dig your teeth in and hope you don't get the outer skin cause it is funny feeling to your tongue. Do you have a favorite fruit?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lisa's 2nd Ear surgery

Hi. Lisa had her 2nd cochlear implant surgery Nov 12th. She was operated on in the morning, her surgery being scheduled for 10:30. She was released and they (She and Mom Holsteen) were back home mid afternoon. Lisa seems to have a bit more pain with this one than the last one, but we trust that it will heal like it is supposed to, and all will eventually go well.Lisa is scheduled for Dec 17th for activation, which means she could have 2 ears for Christmas.Is that how the song goes? "All I want for Christmas is my own two ears?" Maybe not, but it fits this setting.As you may know, Lisa has been making a remarkable recovery in hearing. She does very well on a face to face conversation... She was able to watch tv last week without subtitles... and she is able to do some telephone, but not every voice is easy for her to hear.We really want to thank Valerie for coming all the way back from Florida to help Lisa on her surgery. (We recieved a call last Wed saying can you be ready in a week for surgery. I was already scheduled to come down to Florida to help my parents move. My flight was the same morning as Lisa's surgery. So Val drove up here, and I flew down there... :D)It has been good hanging with my parents. Its the first time we've been together in 3 years.So it is nice... I'll put some pics of my time down here on the next post.But here are pics of Lisa post surgery...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Apprentice 2009 (UK) - Episode 6

This week saw the remaining candidates wandering the streets of London trying to sell a variety of items ranging from a vintage pair of shoes to a first edition book and a skeleton. It was a fairly dull episode this week as there wasnt an awful lot of "business" content (but then again there seems to be less of that and more of the boardroom fights this series). So what lessons can we take from the show this week? Well it proved what many have always said about selling: If you are prepared to accept enough rejection, youll eventually make a sale no matter how bad your sales technique is. However smart entrepreneurs dont try to sell to everyone (its too inefficient) instead they use marketing techniques to identify who are the most likely customers and how to best reach them. When it came to counting the cost (literally) of the teams efforts to sell, both teams had made a loss, selling their items for less than they were worth in their desperation to make a sale. The lesson from this: Only ever make a sale if its going to be profitable for you. Know your costs, know the minimum price required to cover your costs and never, ever sell below that price. Dont do "loss leaders" - unless your name is Sam Walton. When we got back to the boardroom we found out who lost and why. The losing team did so because they didnt understand what the task was about. Lesson: Listen to the clients instructions, if you dont deliver what they asked for youre unlikely to get the promised reward, be that payment of a truffle tasting treat. Finally in the boardroom the losing candidate tried to claim credit for a mistake that the team leader made. Why? The lesson here: When someone is being (rightly) criticised for something theyve done wrong, dont step in and try to steal the blame. Copyright


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Of dogs and ferraris

If the idea of a dog narrating a book is too much for you, stop right here-the book I am about to review will not suit. If, however, you’re open to the idea of a dog with a tremendous sense of humor and insight telling stories, please continue. In the realm of reliable and unreliable narrators, I can vouch for this one. He’s very reliable. Hes mans best friend, after all! The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein introduces us to Enzo, an aging lab, shepherd, poodle, possibly terrier mix with the best view on life. I admire his philosophy, that’s for sure. It really makes me wonder what my own dog is thinking. We know early on that Enzo is old and not in the best of health. His home life has been chaotic as of late. The mom in the family is dying of brain cancer and the dad’s automobile racing career is stalled. The maternal grandparents disapprove of the dad’s parenting and career choice. The little girl is caught in the middle. Enzo is having a hard time moving his back legs and controlling his bladder. You can see where this is going. There will be tears. Lots of them. There’s also a lot to discuss here. Animals. Family. Following your dreams. The legal system. Reincarnation. These are just a few of the topics touched upon in The Art of Racing in the Rain. And the whole animal narrator thing? I was talking about this book with a friend of mine and described how the dog is telling the story and how she might not get into that. She said she doesn’t have a problem with that at all. But she’s not crazy about race car drivers. So if youre not bothered by the dog or the race car driver, this may just be the book for you. (Source: MADreads)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Lucy 39: I ain't saying I'm no golddigga..

Well, if you want a single mother with 4 kids you have to be a millionaire apparently..Who is she kidding ?Not just herself obviously..And guess the extent of this little lady's position..HOTEL attendant Lucy DurransI have seen many rich guys commenting on the fact that they are surrounded by possible gold diggers fighting for their attention even have females knocking on their doors at night demanding to enter..I have also heard them say that only if they come with their own wealth will they ever consider them anything more serious them just being a f**k buddy..But we have delusional comments like this to add to the melodrama of live..Lucy insists she is not prostituting herself, merely ensuring a better life for herself and her four children, aged between nine and 19.When are they going to wake up..Oh look, she has also hit on an MRA's demanding equal opportunity..“I tried a ‘normal’ date recently but although the bloke was nice, he just took me to a pub for dinner and expected me to go Dutch on the bill.The nerve of the man..I ain't saying I'm no golddigga but I ain't messin' with no road sweeper Lucy, 39 HOTEL attendant Lucy Durrans only dates men she finds on a website for women seeking seriously wealthy men — because she believes loaded blokes make the best lovers. Lucy says: “Rich men are confident, successful and used to getting exactly what they want — so dating a man with an amazing lifestyle usually means you’re going to have an amazing time in bed. “The wealthiest guy I’ve ever been out with was a millionaire. “He treated me like a fairytale princess and I had the best sex of my life with him. On dates he would send a limo from London to Milton Keynes to pick me up. 'It's easier to let yourself go if they're rich' ... Lucy Durrans “Then his driver would take me to meet him at exclusive restaurants or bars in posh hotels like The Dorchester on Park Lane. He lived in a Mayfair flat worth millions and everything in his house was luxurious. “The carpets were five inches thick and a TV even came out of the ceiling in the bathroom. “It was like an exciting fantasy world so of course it put me in the mood to have fantasy sex!” Lucy insists she is not prostituting herself, merely ensuring a better life for herself and her four children, aged between nine and 19. “Using dating sites that explicitly deal with rich men means everyone knows where they stand and what they want from the relationship. I’m being upfront about what I want but at the end of the day it’s still my choice who I date. “Yes, I do want a rich boyfriend but I still have to connect with him and I certainly won’t sleep with just anyone. “If a man is sleazy or creepy, I ditch him. I want luxury for me and my kids but not at any price. “In my experience the richer the bloke, the better the sex will be and it’s one of the reasons I won’t go out with men with no money. “I use dating websites where the men have to tell you their income and I won’t consider anyone who earns less than a £100k a year. “That way I’m guaranteed a good time in and out of bed. “I tried a ‘normal’ date recently but although the bloke was nice, he just took me to a pub for dinner and expected me to go Dutch on the bill. “I’m used to swanky restaurants and being paid for so I need a man who wants to pay for me to be attracted to him in any way. Even my kids ask me ‘how much does he earn?’ before I go on a date. “I’ve been given presents like a fur coat and diamond watches, been picked up in Aston Martins and drunk Cristal champagne. I’m not embarrassed. “These men have plenty of spare cash so they should buy me diamonds with it. I wouldn’t say loaded blokes are better lovers but I do have more orgasms with them because it’s easier to let yourself go. “For me being with a rich man is all about financial security and that’s what makes the sex great. “I want to live in the lap of luxury and when I’m with a rich bloke I can forget about scrimping and saving and relax. “Men with cash are confident and sexy so when they’ve chosen to date me when they could have their pick from loads of other girls it’s a huge turn on. “I do have standards but I’m not into looks and I don’t mind if the men are overweight. “So long as they shower and dress well. The only men I can’t enjoy sex with are ones with no money.” Lucy, from Bletchley, Milton Keynes, who dates rich men she finds on golddiggers.uk.com , would like to find her soulmate, but he would need to have plenty of cash. She says: “I’m waiting for a millionaire before I get married because skint men just don’t turn me on. “Being with a wealthy man gives me peace of mind and makes the sex mind-blowing. I’ve got nothing on my mind so I’m totally relaxed and that’s what gives it the edge.”

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Heart Healthy Foods

We all know that heart health is dependent on many factors, and what you eat is definitely one of them. It's not longer just about cutting out the bad foods though, it's also about adding the good foods. WebMD has compiled a list of the top 15 heart healthy foods, some you may already be eating on a daily basis. Here are highlights: Swiss ChardFresh HerbsLow-Fat or Non-Fat YogurtGarlicExtra Virgin Olive OilAlmondsBarleyCayenne Chili PepperCarrotsBroccoliOrangesLean PorkSalmonBlack BeansDried Cherrie Please leave your comments

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

canning town not to miss (canning town, Price: £90pw)

Thanks for reading my add Im renting a room in my own house for a period of 3-4 months.its 2 bedroom duplex with beautiful garden freshly decorated with plenty of space.its my own house and is decorated with high standards as im living inwith caracter a place that you can call home unlike most of rented houses. Since last year i rented another room to a quiet profesional couple.they are very quiet and tidy and you wont have any problem with them.well im renting my own room (lcd tvmemory foam matres very clean quiet facing garden) for a period of 3-4 months.room is available on the 15th of may but if you need to move imidiatelly not a problem we will manage somehow.im going to spain whole summer .will be only 3 people in total sharing a house (3 including you big sitting room with plenty of space modern kitchen and beautifull and clean garden where you will probably spend most of yor free time on a sunny days(cross fingers summer to be good satelie tv fast broadband availableland line with cheap calls.some bills (around 30 months payable i coming back to london in september but no stress about moving out we can work out with the dates when i get back(soffa available room is cheap and will go quick.if interested call on 07923004361. House is located near Royal Victoria and Custom house stations in a quiet and safe streetnight bus just around the corner to central.cannint town tube on a walking distance where you can get jubilee line and in 20 min will take you to Oxford street. Free Parking place available.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Happiness Pie

Sorry Leah, I know I've been remiss in my blogging. I've been too busy toiling* in the human rights mines and staring at boats.One major perk of my internship in the Wall Street area is a window looks out on the East River, allowing me to take frequent ship watching breaks. Seriously shoulda been a lighthouse, but only during the day.It's harder to see at night.This is old, but still really amusing. It's a Time article about Google's drunk blocker, intended to prevent drunk e-mailing. The writer, who I now want to marry-I can marry her and Kate Beaton, it's a new America-gets drunk and attempts to send inappropriate e-mails.Ultimately she succeeds in drunken, journalistic hilarity.Luckily for me, the drunk blocker is math problems. Being terrible at math, her examples all stumped me sober. 8 x 2? Come on!But unluckily, I don't seem to drunk e-mail or drunk dial people. Drunk phone throw? Sure.I know this is a good thing and I am grateful I've never called Seth at 5am to tell him he's a slut and I still love him. Baby come back.But part of me, a very small part is still curious what I might do. Lots of slurring I'd imagine.Those giant Hershey Kiss things are awesome.*Much more interesting than my old job.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Nowhere to go but up

2008 has not been a year that I'd want to live over again. It's had its bright spots, but overall I'd have to say it sucked. No where to go but up.And the icing on the cake for the year is I'm ringing in the New Year without heat. I'm not kidding. While I was out of town, a fuse blew, which then caused the transformer on the heater to melt, so they had to turn the heat off to replace the part. Of course, because of the holiday, they couldn't find anyone available to come and do that until Friday. So I'm spending New Year's Eve and Day trying to keep warm with 3 space heaters, blankets, hot tea, long underwear (thank the lord for Patagonia capilene!) and wool socks and slippers. Layers, lots of layers. I will say that it was lucky that one of the other tenants was home and reported the issue before it caused a fire.My Aunt and Grandmother sent me home from my visit to Michigan with a can of green beans, a can of black eyed peas, and a small ham so I could have my traditional New Year's Day meal. This is a very good thing since I didn't have a chance to get to the store today with all the heat issues. I'm pairing my meal this year with baked sweet potato fries for something different. In addition to the meal fixings, they also sent me home with an insane amount of cookies, chocolates, and other goodies.I did have a wonderful visit to Michigan for Christmas. My new baby cousin is adorable, even when he spits up on me (which he did more than once) and cries all over my shirt. I spent 7 days completely offline, with little to no cell phone reception, forcing me to disconnect from the world for a bit and just focus on the time with family. It was wonderful. I really wish I lived closer to them.Anyway, I'm going to curl up on the couch with the pets and a mug of tea and wait for the ball to drop so 2008 will finally be over. I can't wait. I really think there's nowhere to go but up from here (especially with the lack of heat) so things must improve in 2009.Finally don't forget the New Year's Rules people!! Don't you dare do any laundry!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Barn Ladder

A favorite place in Anderson Valley is the Apple Farm. Owned by the Schmidts of French Laundry fame, it is a real treat to visit. I like to just walk around there before buying some of their delicious fresh apple cider. It took me awhile to appreciate the place. I remembered the location from my high school days and it didnt seem very inviting. Too cold in the winter I thought, and too close to the public access river. Well, now I take that back. The Schmidts little farm has some of the mildest weather every time I visit, summer or winter. And the public beach is well away from the farm. The Schmidts have fixed the place up enormously judging by the main house and its cooking class kitchen. They also have cabins that they rent. But it is the fine detail and care with which they have done these things that I admire. The little accents the Schmidts have added are deceptively subtle and seemingly modest. There is a chandelier with candles hanging from a tree over a garden table. A church window at each end of the raised garden beds. Elegantly simple door pulls on small out-buildings. All unremarkable and with an almost homemade look, yet together they provide a thoughtful answer to creating a sense of place. It is unpretentious and artfully done. It also doesnt look like someone just threw a lot of money at it either. Which brings up the fact that having gone on last years garden tour I can attest that most of the newer places being built in the Valley, while expensive, are for the most part being tastefully done. Which is saying a lot about who is moving here. Dont try and find tasteful in most of the other wine areas such as the Napa Valley. Recently, I went to visit a film director who lives in Saint Helena. Driving up into the hills outside of the town center I missed his turnoff and drove past several nearby properties. One was right out of Gone With The Wind and aesthetically didnt belong in its setting. For the most part, that is still not a problem in Anderson Valley.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Aging of Social Networks

I was briefly quoted in an article on the aging of social networks -- or at least their users by Advertising Age's Michael Learmonth.Sometime in 2007, the recent grads that made up the core of
Facebook came to a doleful realization: Yup, mom and all her friends
are on Facebook. The following year it got worse: The once-exclusive
club of the young was completely infiltrated by colleagues, bosses,
neighbors and others who might not be amused when little Johnny gets
tagged in a photo getting totally ripped with his pals.
networking is no longer a youth phenomenon. As Facebook marches toward
52 million U.S. users (170 million worldwide), the site is beginning to
look like, well, America. Which is to say, it looks a lot older. As of
January, more than 50% of Facebook users and 44% of MySpace users in
the U.S. were over 35 years old, according to ComScore estimates. The
single biggest age demographic in the U.S. on both Facebook and MySpace
is now between 35 and 44. Indeed, Facebook says its fastest-growing
demo is 55-plus.Click here to read the rest of a pretty insightful piece.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bark Park

Finally, finally the weather in Seattle is pleasant enough for a trip to Shasta’s favorite place on earth, “Bark Park” – known to humans as the Marymoor Park Off-Leash area for dogs. Shasta could barely contain herself in the car, and as we approached “Doggy Disneyland,” she was beside herself with joy and anticipation! As we parked, Shasta just about jumped out the moon roof. “Out! Let me out! I need to ruuuun and plaaaay!” First stop: loading up on plastic bags. Incredibly enough, even with hundreds of dogs doing their thing, I’ve never seen any dog poop at Bark Park. Of course, all Shasta cares about is her ball. As you know, with Shasta, it’s all about the ball. Nothing matters as much her ball. Except more balls… Shasta, Peter and Kat had a fabulous time… Shasta’s a total water dog! But she’s by no means the only water dog… The best treat of the day, though, was ours. Peter introduced us to his friend Shannon, who is a veterinary tech with aspirations of being a vet. She absolutely loves animals. Within three minutes of Peter introducing us to her, this transpired: A fluffy white dog came out of nowhere and just sat next to Shannon. Just peacefully sat right next to her. Walked up to her and just sat down as if she’d known Shannon forever! And then! Then this little white fluffy dog climbed right onto Shannon’s lap and proceeded to calmly watch the world go by with Shannon’s arms wrapped around her! And that was our introduction to Shannon. Needless to say, I agree with the fluffy white dog -- she’s wonderful!Addendum: Here are some of Kat's photos:As Kat said, "Doesn't this guy look like he could have come straight out of Where the Wild Things Are"?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thursday night surprise.

First, let me say thank you to everyone that commented yesterday. It warms my heart and reaffirms my own faith to see so many of us feel the burden to pray. The other Tracey and I have been working like crazy women to be ready for our booth at the 1st Roseville Antique Market, and it's nearly here, whether we're ready or not. I would paint and create little treasures everyday, all day if I could. (And someday I will!) I love doing it so much that I lose track of time, but this week I had a change in my schedule at the bank and it meant that I wasn't home parts of the week to paint as I had planned. (there are only so many hours in the day, no matter how I try to stretch them) I was pretty stressed that I wasn't going to have all of my pieces completed and my dining room, kitchen and living room were looking like some kind of furniture refinishing warehouse.Anyway. Imagine my sheer amazement when I arrived home last night to hear Jack Johnson serenading me on my stereo and to find that all of the pieces of furniture that I had left half painted had been completed and ready to be antiqued or foofy-fied, along with the added surprise of a primed dressform I didn't think I would even have time to tackle for this show! (And she cleaned my kitchen!) It took me a minute to process all of this and then I burst into tears of disbelief as I walked through the dining room and living room. (Honestly, I felt like one of those folks on that Extreme Home Makeover show and I would hear Ty Pennington shout out at any minute, "Move! That! Bus!") The other Tracey, the little fairy God-friend that she is, had spent the entire morning at my cottage while I was at work, painting away, hanging out with my pups. I have typed and erased for 15 minutes now, and I simply cannot put into words how touched I am that she would do this for me.It boggles my mind to think of just how blessed I truly am.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Master Data Management - Leverage and Value

The most recent TDWI Boston Chapter meeting focused on how companies should approach and implement Master Data Management (MDM). Although the meeting had a keynote presenter and panelists with strong industry expertise and experience, the key to the discussions were the questions and insights of the audience attending the meeting. The Boston chapter, with industries representing financial services, insurance, high tech, medical devices, biotech, retail, professional services and consumer products goods companies offers a diversity of perspectives about the challenges and benefits of addressing MDM. Two key insights kept being reinforced during the discussions: 1. Leverage, Leverage, Leverage Any company that will benefit from tackling MDM has most likely already been attacking the problem but not in the focused manner that MDM needs to truly be successful. But the biggest mistake that people saw with their peers and early adopters was the belief that MDM was something different than before. Too often MDM is pitched as a green field opportunity with some solution as the silver bullet to ones problems. This approach fails to leverage past efforts from a business and technical perspective, thereby creating the potential for yet another application and data silo. And, more importantly, failing to realistically assess the shortcomings and successes of existing efforts in making master data consistent is a sure fire way to plan to fail, i.e. repeating the failures of history is inevitable if you fail to learn from them. Participants suggested looking at existing data warehousing and data integration efforts to leverage data, technical and people resources. Learn from the past. Turn your joint IT and business efforts to define and manage data into a full-fledged data governance program. If you have already started that type of program, expand it and tie it into business successes (below). 2. Business Value There needs to be specific business value derived from your MDM efforts. Catch phrases like 360 degrees of the customer or single version of the truth are great marketing slogans but are esoteric and will become the brunt of jokes if they dont help you achieve real business value that can be measured. You can use these slogans to rally the troops and to get funding for the MDM efforts, but dont fall into that trap of believing your own sales pitch. Your MDM will undoubtedly provide business ROI. Participants stressed that you should seek out those business opportunities and target your MDM towards them. Focused MDM efforts are more likely to get business participation, a critical success factor, to help you be on track to building your MDM program. Trying to boil the ocean, i.e. trying to solve everyones problems all at once, generally fails to solve anyones problems. There are countless business processes or analytics that can be and are improved by implementing MDM in your company. Find them, document them and determine the business ROI that you can quantify or qualify. Get the business people involved to be your customer references to sell the MDM program. Success breeds success. ShareThis

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

April Preparing Wisely Deals

If you haven't checked out Preparing Wisely yet, here are some great incentives: 6.5 Gallon Pail Was.....$9.99 Now.....$7.49 5 Gallon Pail Was.....$7.99 Now.....$6.49 3.5 Gallon Pail Was.....$6.49 Now.....$5.49 55 Gallon Drum Was....$69.99 Now.....$65.00 We now sell 2 gallon buckets ($3.50) and gamma lids to fit ($6.99). Special Deals Extra Virgin Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil Nutivea One (1) Gallon Bucket Regular Price: $85.00Sale Price: $60.00 Good Thru April 30, 2009 while supplies last Extra Virgin Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil Nutiva 54 oz Container Regular Price: $35.00Sale Price: $30.00 Good Thru April 30, 2009 while supplies last New this Month - Canned Garden Seeds in #10 Can - Non Hybrid, Open Pollinated Garden Seeds $40.00 Perfect both for storing and for using now to build your own seed base!CANNED GARDEN SEEDSFEATURES:16 LARGE SEED PACKETS16 POPULAR EASY TO GROW GARDEN VEGETABLESSPECIAL OPEN POLLINATED 100% NON-HYBRID SEED SELECTIONEXCLUSIVE E-Z LOCK RESEALABLE REUSEABLE BAGSTRIPLE - LAYERED FOIL PACKETS SEALED IN A CAN FOR EXTRA PROTECTIONCOMPLETE WITH GARDENING MADE EASY INSTRUCTION GUIDEEach Can Containes: SWEET CORN. Golden Bantam. 5 oz. ONION. Utah Sweet Spanish. 10 g. SPINACH. Bloomsdale Long Standing. 10 g. WINTER SQUASH. Waltham Butternut. 10 g. SQUASH ZUCCHINI. Black Beauty. 10 g. RADISH. Champion. 10 g. TOMATO. Rutgers. 5 g. SWISS CHARD. Lucullus. 10 g. PEA. Lincoln. 5 oz. BEET. Detroit Dark Red. 10 g. CABBAGE. Golden Acre. 10 g. LETTUCE. Barcarolle Romaine. 5 g. CUCUMBER. Marketmore 76. 10 g. CARROT. Scarlet Nantes. 10 g. PEPPER. Yolo Wonder. 5 g. POLE BEAN. Blue Lake. 5 oz.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bo Obama, Media Darling

Guest Posting Today, we have Caroline
Caroline Golon/Romeo the Cat www.romeothecat.com caroline@romeothecat.com @romeothecat Twitter
See the full Bio at the bottom of her post:
After the initial frenzy of media coverage about Bo Obama, six-month-old Portugese Water Dog who’s now livin’ large at the White House, things died down for a few days.
Now come the new angles on the stories. Like Peoplepets.com finding Bo’s big brother Solo, and sharing insight about the dog family’s temperament and USA Today doing a piece on Bo’s trainer.
There are always going to be Bo stories because we’re fascinated by the first family’s private life. And Bo’s a pretty darn cute dog too.
But with all the media coverage now and that’s to come, it would have been terrific if these stories were about Schmoopy the rescue dog and not a Bo the perfect purebred. (read my post on Michelle Obama Watch blog entry)
Imagine the great coverage: “President’s Rescue Encourages More Adoptions Nationwide” or this article could have been about Schmoopy and could have taught kids the importance of helping animals in need.
Ah well.
Caroline Golon is the staff manager for Romeo the Cat, a two-time rescued Persian cat who’s dedicated to raising money for rescue animals across the U.S. Through individual and corporate donations, Romeo raises money for a new local rescue every month.
Since February, Romeo has raised more than $14,000. His sponsors include FURminator, Inc., Feline Pine Cat Litter, Wellness Pet Food and Clean+Green by Sea-Yu Enterprises.
Monthly beneficiaries are selected from submissions made by Romeo’s blog readers so make sure to subscribe to his blog so you’ll be alerted when he’s taking recommendations for next month.
Romeo and his adopted brother Pugsley live in Charlotte, NC with their parents and 8-month-old human sister

Monday, June 1, 2009

New BBC iPlayer works great with Windows Media Center Extenders

For a while I have been using BBC iPlayer to download BBC content and play it on Windows Media Center, the only problem I found was to get it to play on the Xbox 360 in Extender mode I have to copy and paste the files around as the default download directory created by the iPlayer has a funny set of permissions and the Extender sessions have no access to the content. The good news is that the new version of the BBC iPlayer features a new download option via an Adobe Air application. The new download is labelled as “Windows Media Player” and when you use this download it doesn’t need you need to jump through hoops to get it working on the 360 in Extender mode So far I have been unable to get it working with Windows 7 but other have so I will try it tonight on my home system Now all we need is the WMV content to be in HD