Monday, June 15, 2009

Lucy 39: I ain't saying I'm no golddigga..

Well, if you want a single mother with 4 kids you have to be a millionaire apparently..Who is she kidding ?Not just herself obviously..And guess the extent of this little lady's position..HOTEL attendant Lucy DurransI have seen many rich guys commenting on the fact that they are surrounded by possible gold diggers fighting for their attention even have females knocking on their doors at night demanding to enter..I have also heard them say that only if they come with their own wealth will they ever consider them anything more serious them just being a f**k buddy..But we have delusional comments like this to add to the melodrama of live..Lucy insists she is not prostituting herself, merely ensuring a better life for herself and her four children, aged between nine and 19.When are they going to wake up..Oh look, she has also hit on an MRA's demanding equal opportunity..“I tried a ‘normal’ date recently but although the bloke was nice, he just took me to a pub for dinner and expected me to go Dutch on the bill.The nerve of the man..I ain't saying I'm no golddigga but I ain't messin' with no road sweeper Lucy, 39 HOTEL attendant Lucy Durrans only dates men she finds on a website for women seeking seriously wealthy men — because she believes loaded blokes make the best lovers. Lucy says: “Rich men are confident, successful and used to getting exactly what they want — so dating a man with an amazing lifestyle usually means you’re going to have an amazing time in bed. “The wealthiest guy I’ve ever been out with was a millionaire. “He treated me like a fairytale princess and I had the best sex of my life with him. On dates he would send a limo from London to Milton Keynes to pick me up. 'It's easier to let yourself go if they're rich' ... Lucy Durrans “Then his driver would take me to meet him at exclusive restaurants or bars in posh hotels like The Dorchester on Park Lane. He lived in a Mayfair flat worth millions and everything in his house was luxurious. “The carpets were five inches thick and a TV even came out of the ceiling in the bathroom. “It was like an exciting fantasy world so of course it put me in the mood to have fantasy sex!” Lucy insists she is not prostituting herself, merely ensuring a better life for herself and her four children, aged between nine and 19. “Using dating sites that explicitly deal with rich men means everyone knows where they stand and what they want from the relationship. I’m being upfront about what I want but at the end of the day it’s still my choice who I date. “Yes, I do want a rich boyfriend but I still have to connect with him and I certainly won’t sleep with just anyone. “If a man is sleazy or creepy, I ditch him. I want luxury for me and my kids but not at any price. “In my experience the richer the bloke, the better the sex will be and it’s one of the reasons I won’t go out with men with no money. “I use dating websites where the men have to tell you their income and I won’t consider anyone who earns less than a £100k a year. “That way I’m guaranteed a good time in and out of bed. “I tried a ‘normal’ date recently but although the bloke was nice, he just took me to a pub for dinner and expected me to go Dutch on the bill. “I’m used to swanky restaurants and being paid for so I need a man who wants to pay for me to be attracted to him in any way. Even my kids ask me ‘how much does he earn?’ before I go on a date. “I’ve been given presents like a fur coat and diamond watches, been picked up in Aston Martins and drunk Cristal champagne. I’m not embarrassed. “These men have plenty of spare cash so they should buy me diamonds with it. I wouldn’t say loaded blokes are better lovers but I do have more orgasms with them because it’s easier to let yourself go. “For me being with a rich man is all about financial security and that’s what makes the sex great. “I want to live in the lap of luxury and when I’m with a rich bloke I can forget about scrimping and saving and relax. “Men with cash are confident and sexy so when they’ve chosen to date me when they could have their pick from loads of other girls it’s a huge turn on. “I do have standards but I’m not into looks and I don’t mind if the men are overweight. “So long as they shower and dress well. The only men I can’t enjoy sex with are ones with no money.” Lucy, from Bletchley, Milton Keynes, who dates rich men she finds on , would like to find her soulmate, but he would need to have plenty of cash. She says: “I’m waiting for a millionaire before I get married because skint men just don’t turn me on. “Being with a wealthy man gives me peace of mind and makes the sex mind-blowing. I’ve got nothing on my mind so I’m totally relaxed and that’s what gives it the edge.”

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