Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Of dogs and ferraris

If the idea of a dog narrating a book is too much for you, stop right here-the book I am about to review will not suit. If, however, you’re open to the idea of a dog with a tremendous sense of humor and insight telling stories, please continue. In the realm of reliable and unreliable narrators, I can vouch for this one. He’s very reliable. Hes mans best friend, after all! The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein introduces us to Enzo, an aging lab, shepherd, poodle, possibly terrier mix with the best view on life. I admire his philosophy, that’s for sure. It really makes me wonder what my own dog is thinking. We know early on that Enzo is old and not in the best of health. His home life has been chaotic as of late. The mom in the family is dying of brain cancer and the dad’s automobile racing career is stalled. The maternal grandparents disapprove of the dad’s parenting and career choice. The little girl is caught in the middle. Enzo is having a hard time moving his back legs and controlling his bladder. You can see where this is going. There will be tears. Lots of them. There’s also a lot to discuss here. Animals. Family. Following your dreams. The legal system. Reincarnation. These are just a few of the topics touched upon in The Art of Racing in the Rain. And the whole animal narrator thing? I was talking about this book with a friend of mine and described how the dog is telling the story and how she might not get into that. She said she doesn’t have a problem with that at all. But she’s not crazy about race car drivers. So if youre not bothered by the dog or the race car driver, this may just be the book for you. (Source: MADreads)

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