Monday, June 22, 2009

Have you ever tryed Kiwi or Starfruit?

I am a fruit freak. I could just live on fruit. But I am diabetic and that is just not as good for me as you might think. I love my bananas because I am always low in potassium. If I don't get enough I get really bad cramps in my legs. Yes bananas helps those leg cramps and I am proof!! I usto live in Florida and was able to get really fun fruit like kiwi's and Starfruit. Starfruit gets it name because if you cut it across the right way it looks like a star and man is it good. Now Kiwi takes some getting usto. The fuzzy outer shell you either have to peal off or cut the fruit the right way and dig your teeth in and hope you don't get the outer skin cause it is funny feeling to your tongue. Do you have a favorite fruit?

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