Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wish List, Likes, Dislikes...

I had a brainstorm idea this morning. (Watch out world!) I belong to several online stitching groups and each group has a questionaire asking about wish lists, likes, dislikes, etc. I find it time consuming to be typing the same things over and over, so I thought... Why not put it all in my blog, and then reference this entry? Good idea, eh? I thought so! So here goes:FAVORITESFavorite fabric: 28/32ct evenweave/linen, hand-dyedsFavorite needles: 26ct petite needlesFavorite Threads: WDW, Victoria Clayton Silks, GAST, Glissen Gloss Colorwash Silks, DMC Linens, SSS (needed floss for the last 2 are in my wish list link below). Love specialty flosses.Colors (include favorites & least favorites): Favorites: soft pretty colors such as pastels; Dislikes: dark, drab colors.Themes (include favorites & least favorites): Likes: oriental themes, Fobs, Stitcher Accessories; Least favorite: religious, folksyMagazines (include favorites & any that are subscriptions): Any UK mags, Stoney Creek , JCSFavorite Designers: Lorri Birmingham (elegant designs), The Sweetheart Tree (fobs), Joan Elliot (oriental designs), as well as a few others.Favorite Foods/Drink: ice tea (or flavored hot teas), cocoa, skittles, jelly belly jelly beansCollections (things you collect other than stitching): old cameras (I’m a photographer too)Scents (include favorite & least favorite): Lilac. I have allergies and asthma so strong scents don’t work for me.Favorite ONS: Needle in a Haystack www.needlestack.com123 Stitch www.123stitch.comKeepsake Needlearts www.keepsakeneedlearts.comFavorite LNS: Don’t have one close to me. There’s a Walmart, JoAnn Fabrics, Michaels and Hobby Lobby.WISH LISTPictorial Wish List located HERECharts wanted: see link aboveKits wanted (including just charts from kits): see link aboveThreads/beads wanted: anything but DMC/Anchor floss. I don't use Anchor, and I have 2-3 complete sets of DMC.Accessories/Gadgets wanted:Leather Scissor sheaths#26 Stitch FixerDMC Brand Plastic BobbinsOtherDo you have an online photo album? My AlbumHow do you store your threads? On bobbins in plastic storage casesFloss bags or bobbins? (Cardboard or plastic bobbins?) I use both bags and bobbins. Mostly bobbins. I’m in the process of switching from cardboard to plastic DMC bobbins.Do you have pets? Yes. A little 4lb. dog named Celeste

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